Sales Skills Revolution: Paving the Way for Your Personal and Professional Growth

Show notes

In this episode of DARECAST we not only talk about how sales skills can help you craft your career, but also elevate our daily conversations and negotiations. Together with Fausto Buenfil, Head of Sales Henkel Consumer Brands in Mexico, we are excited to embark on this journey of personal and professional growth with you. Learn more about the power of skills and how they can positively impact every aspect of your life. From honing essential skills for career advancement to mastering interpersonal skills for stronger relationships, we'll cover it all! Stay tuned as Fausto shares his own experience as well as tips & tricks to bring your inner salesperson to life.

Dare with Fausto. Tune in.

  • Fausto Buenfil, Head of Sales Henkel Consumer Brands at Henkel Mexico

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